Will the rights of women and children be protected after the Taliban take over Afghanistan?


Today the whole world is talking about the same issue and that is, we have already seen about the orgy happening in Afghanistan, after the Taliban took over the situation in Afghanistan, its people are leaving the country and going to other countries. The biggest reason for this is the same because they are concerned about the safety of themselves and their families and especially the safety of their children and women.

photo reffered from google

The last few days, we have seen and felt about the terrible accidents that came from Afghanistan, which is shocking to us, we all know how dangerous the Taliban is that the people there are trying to get out of the plane in a dangerous way.

After Afghan President Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan, the Taliban have seized control of the Presidential Palace in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, and declared their own separate government. The main thing in these is whether the rights of women and children will be protected in the Taliban or not because Taliban has talked about implementing Sharia law in Afghanistan. Not only this, but the Taliban have changed the name of Afghanistan to "Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan".

The lifestyle of women in Afghanistan in the 1950s was like this, they were the masters of their own will, they were free, the rights they had were completely in their hits, they were not work from any European woman. We cannot even imagine that a woman's life in Afghanistan can be like this.

                                                         photo reffered from wiki pedia

This is the reason that in 2001 a new government was formed in Afghanistan by expelling the Taliban, but today history is proving wrong. being taken away.

In 2012, her attendance in the women's parliament was 27.6%. In 2010, education among women above 25 years was 5.8%. The labor face in women in 2019 was 23%. These figures are showing how actively women were working in Afghanistan. But today's condition is not like this, the only reason for this is Taliban.

The Taliban has imposed Sharia law in Afghanistan, according to which women are only allowed to stay in a burqa, apart from this, if they want to go out, then a man of which blood relationship will have to be with him. They should also talk loudly in the open because according to the law, the woman's voice should not reach that man's ear. The woman is not allowed to stand in the balcony of her house. They are not allowed to come anywhere without a burqa. Aren't all these things going to enslave any human being? Due to this, it is clearly a matter of degrading the fundamental right of women.

photo reffered from wiki pedia

Everyone knows about the terror of Taliban, but some Taliban are having fun in the video going viral in social media. The whole world is worried after the accident in Afghanistan and the Taliban are having fun. After this attitude of his, the whole world is expressing his concern.

However, due to the terror of the Taliban, some Afghans are fleeing and some have gone on revolt. On the day of Afghanistan's independence on August 19, many Afghans are seen protesting. Now perhaps the only way they have is that all Afghans together raise their voice against the Taliban. And surely God will give them strength and they will give a befitting reply to the Taliban dictators. For this, the woman herself will spend her life for the safety of herself and her children. and will take away her own right.


  1. You are covered all important thoughts about changes in afghanistan..
    Really now a days it needs help to grow


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