
Will the rights of women and children be protected after the Taliban take over Afghanistan?

  Today the whole world is talking about the same issue and that is, we have already seen about the orgy happening in Afghanistan, after the Taliban took over the situation in Afghanistan, its people are leaving the country and going to other countries. The biggest reason for this is the same because they are concerned about the safety of themselves and their families and especially the safety of their children and women. photo reffered from google The last few days, we have seen and felt about the terrible accidents that came from Afghanistan, which is shocking to us, we all know how dangerous the Taliban is that the people there are trying to get out of the plane in a dangerous way. After Afghan President Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan, the Taliban have seized control of the Presidential Palace in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, and declared their own separate government. The main thing in these is whether the rights of women and children will be protected in the Taliban or not

Right to equality

     According to Indian constitution Article 14 says about Right to equality.There are two types,(1)Equality Before Law (2)Equal Protection of the Laws.       Equality Before Law says "The state shall not deny any person equality before law or equal protection of the laws within the territory of India".Equality Before the law/Equal protection of the law both convey different meanings.        Equality Before law is a negative concept when Equal protection of laws is a positive concept. One more thing Equality before law concept adopted from United kingdom constitution And Equal protection of the laws concept is borrowed from United states.        In Equality Before law also call Prof. A V DICEY "Rule of law".  In Indian constitution this right has given to all the citizens of India except The President of India and the Governor of the State.  We saw the history and information of Equality before law and Equal protection of law.